Despite the protection afforded by the bone structure of the skull, the brain is one of the most sensitive parts of our anatomy against the blows and injuries, making such events as serious injuries and dangerous to the welfare of person. And the great unknown is still existing today on its nature and mode of operation makes it very difficult to treat such injuries and can be fatal and somewhat unpredictable in its consequences for the sufferer and may lead to : – Failure of the motor system. – Difficulties in language and speech. – Sudden memory loss reversible and irreversible. – Inability to perform certain actions. – Social and psychiatric disorders. – Faults in the perception and cognitive system. – The death of the person in the most serious cases.
Unfortunately, they often end up happening because of fault or negligent actions of others. Imagine for example the case of a violation by a pedestrian part of a vehicle that ran a red light, causing a strong head trauma. The complaint in such cases. Requirements and concepts severance When a person suffers a brain injury as a result of wrongful or negligent act carried out by another person shall be entitled to receive financial compensation that allows you to repair that damage, such action constitutes a professional or not. Thus, this compensation could be claimed as in the case of a person hitting another with an iron bar, their actions constitute a crime of injury (or even a crime of attempted murder), as in the assumption that a pedestrian you drop a piece from a shelf front in poor condition, remain the responsibility of the owner keeping it in good condition (no criteria here a case of professional offense). To take place this responsibility, known as civil, must attend the following circumstances: a) The defendant should have acted in a negligent manner, either by action (the case of stroke with the iron bar) or by omission (the failure to repair the facade, taking place in the evolution of the same material). b) A person, the applicant must have suffered a brain injury, it can be proved by the relevant medical reports. c) Between the act or omission and the injury must be a causal connection or nexus, so that without having taken place first, second, under no circumstances have occurred. When determining compensation for having certified the compliance of all those conditions, would be taken into account all the losses and impairments that may have been the victim, damages, lost wages for having to leave their jobs temporarily or permanently, medical treatments not covered by Social Security and, in general, any other damage that could be proved.