First Division

For many years the Argentine football have a phenomenon of violence. To date there are several dozens of people. It was the only clear case in the world. In English football also went through a similar situation that was eradicated grieving the appellants. But in the ongoing Argentine football. Goes through stages of conflict down and then everything returns to sprout.

Currently, all weekend there at some stage pitched battles or out of it. Some are in the First Division and even the less important categories. In the so-called big clubs who meet only some hundred spectators. Beaten, stoned and shot bullet to characterize these regrettable incidents. So-called “hooligans” have already resulted in several suspensions of dates in recent years. And once the game was stopped for about two months.

I remember when I explored the English football hooliganism mentioned social causes as a central aspect of the problem. In the seventies, when they started the “hooligans” to do his thing in that country, England was a time where unemployment is a strong beat some sectors, and these young unemployed were the cannon fodder of this phenomenon as regrettable. Analyses were carried out serious sociological problem, formed committees and to the Parliament of that country took up the matter. The problem was solved. Argentina is no exception. The causes are also social. The football hooligans exceed it. The transfer of the remains of Peron led a pitched battle between thugs a few days ago of several unions. And the elements are the same. Outcast characters, serving the highest bidder, which has no ideology or footballing sense, are those who are involved. And many times are the same elements as gangs involved in both the trade unions, political parties such as football clubs. They serve political leaders and pointers. Football leaders. Police turn a blind eye to or participate in some activities and professional charges for “security guarantee” that never comes. From “leaders” who use union on their behalf. And they, the hooligans, who are “brave” only in gangs, in turn earn privileges such as free land for the crime, then re-sell tickets, put on the municipalities or facilities for selling drugs. It is so much madness in this regard that there are even clubs that have domestic sectors that are fighting each other all parties. Clearly there is interest in solving this problem. Neither the State, or political leaders or parliamentarians, or sports leaders, or the police. The reason is simple. Everyone benefits from it. Tear their hair every now and then but everything remains the same and everybody knows who is who in this game perverse and macabre. With an aggravating factor, unconscious or conscious there are many viewers who do not look askance at so many hooligans themselves of their clubs. It is a real problem. And if not solved at the root, will never be solved.

Personal Financial Control

Much has seen people being controlled for the money, where the currency symbols of & ldquo; dinheiro& rdquo; it has been one weight in some uncontrollable situations. But as to control the money so that the money not in the control? In first place we must make a reflection when we are with the weight of the currency symbols in our coasts. Already if it arrived in a uncontrollable platform and 1 step is to accept that it has been become indebted and necessary of aid. If you not to plan itself, go to live erasing & ldquo; incndios& rdquo;. But what he is To plan? To decide what to make before making. To decide as the money will be used, before it being received. It establishes a list of priorities, to buy for desire or necessity? To buy for desire is treated to satisfy more the ego motivated for the modismo. A very common example is the diverse launchings of cellular telephones.

I have necessity to change my device for one another one with more functions? In fact I will use all the functions that the device makes use? In case that already we do not identify that expense not it is necessary. To buy for necessity is related to supply what in fact it is necessary Three basic questions help in the financial balance: The expenditure really is necessary? Or it will be possible to the same obtain personal effect without using money or for spending little? The expenditure contributes or hinders my wealth/happiness? This is a purchase planned or of impulse? I am feeling pressured to buy something that I do not have necessary certainty that? not to sin more in the personal financial side, we go to establish the following word IT SIN It, that it means To plan, To execute, To control and To act. The adequate management of the finances is the differential between sonhadores and producers. Rinaldo Snows & ndash; Economist & Titular consultant of Enterprise RN CONSULTORIA

Financial Issues

I perceived the quo is wonderful my wife, thanks to God was in time to save my marriage. to recoup the person who God separated for me. then we talk and really we understand in them, I do not go to say that never more we fight to put now we obtain to surpass each obstacle. seems that I married again. Really today we live in harmony and with happiness.

There six months after to reattach the relation my sister paid a meeting of wharf for us. I cannot count what it happens, but I can say that I came back woollen another man. In our meeting 100 couples had participated. I guarantee the vocs that was valid each cent invested for my sister. It is a wonderful ceremony.

If to decide to participate of one. Only plus an advice. First it goes with the open heart. as if will be able to go in one organized for some religious entity better still. I suggest the assembly of God of Bonsucesso, therefore he was who organized mine and I can speak that it was very good. But coming back to the subject. then analysis well before taking a measure that can be precipitated. The diplomacy tries the argument oldest of the humanity. What it can take the separation? Many things can take a couple the decision of the separation. Financial Estresse, problems, lack and etc. The main ones are these, estresse. Many people do not obtain to separate to other relations of the relation husband and woman and finish bringing pra privacy it couple problems that are of the work, with the head a friend a relative or the others a thousand things and culminate in unloading in the friend this rain of problems. Others bring a problem with fi

National Financial System

Introduction With the National Program of Desestatizao (PND), created for Law N. 8,031/90, the Brazilian State starts to change its form of performance as producing agent of goods and services in determined sectors of the economy, redimensionando its performance as normative and regulating agent of the economic activity, with objective to promote the reorganization strategical of the State to reduce odficit public, to increase the investments in the economy, to modernize the industry, to fortify the stock market. Such changes, based on two phenomena contemporaries: ) The privatizations in Europe b) Politics of desregulao of the economy that passed to be adopted in U.S.A. In agreement the lesson of GILBERT DUPAS, each one of these experiences of reduodo degree and alterations in the form of state intervention in the economy correspond the answers, as much to the crisis of the State, who if gave from the end of the decade of 70 and throughout of 80, how much the economic globalization, during of 90. ' ' The conclusions are clear: in the world of the globalization, the intervention of the market has of being combined with the intervention of the State.

The question is to determine the paper and the effectiveness of the State. The development requires a State to atuanter, facilitating, encouraging and regulating the businesses privados' '. (DUPAS: 1999, P. 114) Thus, the experiences European and North American, had been taken as models of reform in Brazil, also reached in full for the crisis of the State and the consequences of the economic globalization. Transformations in the Brazilian State considered Sectors until then strategical of the infrastructure and the rendering of services, as the areas of electric energy, telecommunications, waters, oil and natural gas, drastically had been reorganized, culminating with the creation of administrative agencies, independent agencies, characterized for the functional autonomy and inexistence of hierarchic bond, with the intention of regulating to fiscalize the activity in these systems.

Financially Secure

But only one mentally stale, but financially well-off 'subject' can do for people is much more than a general roar, a demonstration of a million "highly spiritual" people. Do you agree? Our task today – to make sure that the person with high thoughts, which is inside you, and still had the financial power. Only then will he be able to resist evil, violence, injustice! Defenseless kindness, sympathy, helpless love, compassion, and not backed by material support, look very sorry … It is like the cry of a drowning man "Help!", Runs along the shore of another person and also shouting 'Save !!!'… hysterically throw up their hands turning to God … watching eyes radiating kindness and compassion would be a desperate whisper, 'I am so sorry for your grief, I still understand it all … Hope for the best! Hold on – do not try and give up! God helps everyone! Ask, and you will be given! Knock, and be open you !…' After that, with a sense of duty he goes – it's time for dinner.

But you would be on it easier if you drown it? That is what spirituality in its purest form. If this man first put out his hand and pulled you out of water, and then expressed to all that is to say, that's when it – spirituality, combined with substance. You say: And what about the priests, monks, a grandmother in the temples? I absolutely agree with you. What would they have in this life, nor did very often they follow their heart. Why did they choose this path? Because spirituality is for them the beginning of all beginnings! This is the first stupenechka at which life begins. But this is not true for you. Why? Because your way – this is another ladder with the other steps.

And all we ever come to the same truth, let me Boy, just in different ways … What did the Lord? 'I am for you created the earth, sea, mountains, grasslands, forests, and livestock. Fruitful and multiply '. So look the same to his own way, which does not violate this commandment, and do so that you could find your spiritual path, but the breed, labor and with gratitude all taste the fruit, which were prepared people. We are given all at the same time! This means that each component of this is significant, has great implications. And not any of them we can not lose sight of the field of his attention. We must develop in all directions. So Let us together we work hard, do good, and multiply it spiritually and materially, and transmit! I think a little carried away, but those who have read me before will remember that the material and spiritual are inseparable from each other …! A spiritual for me – it is the holy of holies. Based on the fact of what we're talking about, I think that these arguments may be you do not need … Then, back on topic … ————— Happiness and Sloth (continued )—————

American Porsche

So far, I walked along the parking lot, clutching a silver pendant from the Cayenne, comes to mind when thinking about the first generation of German ". When in 2002 the world saw the Cayenne, the first reaction was, "Well, freak!", Although after a while people began to willing to queue for the first crossover from Porsche. Many car journalists were predicting his resounding failure, they say, Lamborghini has already tried to create something similar and they have failed, except for a few instances, Lost in the Middle East. However, they forgot that the last ten years ball is ruled by marketers who are rarely wrong. All of these "compact urban crossover" and "four-door coupe," coined by brilliant minds these creative people, though seem absurd, but it sold very well. So, these same, hated by many marketers have found that it is necessary to mankind in the person of wealthy people from the car. Especially at that during the financial crisis seemed to be something akin to the Second Coming. Continue to work come from engineers who are used to create the Cayenne platform from Volkswagen Touareg.

Then the project was handed over to the wizards of the Porsche. I do not know what magic rituals they committed to running, but nearly three-ton, tall Porsche screwed into the corners, in violation of generally accepted laws of physics, while remaining remarkably comfortable. I confess that I too was expecting failure, but precisely as long as rolled on him. Cayenne has everything that is equally necessary to Dubai , a Russian oligarch, an American plastic surgeon or a spouse of a British soccer Premier League.

Human Psychology

They proved that the gene (the fate) of a person can change in three ways. Namely, acting on a DNA molecule with the help of chemistry, with exposure to radiation and by affecting the human subconscious. Here's the third way and I I am going. That's just my method differs from the classic. The well-known psychology changed human destiny in a very long time. In addition, together with the original source of any problems, she pulls out man a lot of unnecessary and superfluous – that the correction is not needed. This method of solution can be compared to that of prospector, who, before you find a nugget, bolt tons of waste rock. I practicing genetic psychology, which achieves the desired result, for example, to lose weight in a fairly short period of time, or to arrange his personal life necessary for you to read, to solve health problems, eliminate financial problems, improve relationships with others, especially for people with significant people and so on.

Limitations here, by and large, no, in what? – No false modesty I can say that Within three to four months can solve most problems for me are treated. The technologies that I use in my work, allow to achieve positive change at the first meeting. This is because I'm working point – discover the cause of the problem and start working with it. My diagnostic methods allow to find the problem, which originated in a person's life, a maximum of one hour. In more serious cases, two hours.

Voltage Power

Life is full of unpleasant surprises, but you have a chance to protect themselves from at least some of these hassles by installing a voltage regulator. The voltage regulator should be used: a). To ensure normal operation of various equipment, appliances, household appliances and office equipment, and other special equipment in the ups and downs, undervalued, overvalued or the mains when you need to filter out noise. This kind of instability voltage and electrical noise in there quite often and unexpectedly, and the ups and downs of voltage sources are sometimes long term. Traditionally, long-term (permanent) low / high voltage power is observed in the suburban areas, and long-time power surges, depending on time of day characterized the city power grid. ac voltage stabilizer profit provide normal power with significant and long-term (permanent) power surges. b). To ensure the protection of equipment, instruments and equipment from a sudden significant change in voltage mains.

Very often the cause of failure of equipment and devices are sudden large jumps in the supply voltage and pulse noise. ac voltage stabilizer profit provide protection from such effects, produce off in case of significant deviations of stress and restore power when the mains voltage is restored to the required for the voltage regulator values. c). To provide the equipment, devices and equipment with the required characteristics (work equipment and devices to passport specifications). ac voltage stabilizers profit high maintain the required accuracy of the value of supply voltage and withstand momentary overloads up to 150%. Very often the consumer due to malfunctions or defects associated with the quality of power refers to manufacturer or dealer for that job this product does not meet specifications on it.

After repeated testing equipment, possibly a replacement for a similar, analysis operating conditions by qualified technicians, etc. is finding the real reason – poor quality ac power. g). To increase the likelihood of failure and long-term operation of complex, high-tech, expensive equipment and appliances. Practical experience clearly indicates that one of the main reasons that causes premature failure and a decrease in terms of operation, is the lack of power quality. Setting the voltage, you save money that can go for the repair of costly equipment.

New Castle Time

There is every reason to believe that under the Great Novgorod had in mind Ladoga. But back to Rurik. Rurik – son pricked, which was married to a prince of the Slavic tribe bodrichey Godoslavom (Godlvom). It dwelt on the southern coast of the Baltic Sea. The capital city of the tribe was Ragon – Neysterlitse near future German Mecklenburg. The prince was killed Godlav Gottfried Danish. Rurik had to leave home and become a Varangian – Merc – and for a long time to wander in foreign lands.

And in the 862 tribes of Slavs and Chud was hired as the Prince Rurik. According to 'The Tale of Bygone Years ", Rurik first came to Ladoga, and a few years cut down Novgorod. But it is believed that Rurik any where from Lake Ladoga was not going away. Novgorod Chronicle says of this time: 'In the fourth summer of the reign of his migration from the Old to the New Castle great to Ilmen '. That is, the prince left the old town of Ladoga and settled in Novgorod. But at the time of Novgorod did not exist.

It originated as a trading and craft center at the end of X century. There is reason to believe that Rurik anywhere from Ladoga not went up to his death, in 879, the, rules, namely in it. Chronicler, describing the events of two centuries ago, could not diminish the importance of Lord Novgorod the Great in the history of the state, and therefore written in his works that the legendary Duke suffered a princely table of Ladoga in the upper reaches of the River to the place where later stood the main town of the Novgorod feudal republic.

Treasury Trading

"I only withdraw money, never go there nothing invested, – he says. – In 1987, earning 100 thousand, I finally thought that had been prepared enough, that address this fully. " In order to carry out trade, Stowell took leave of absence for a period of 2 years. "If it's time to return from leave, the heart and soul I belonged already trading and markets, as a consequence of this, I retired ", – he speaks. From this stage of its trading and investment expanded, now began to include personal promotions companies and gold mutual funds. Though in the soil of his trade is still lying pattern "of cups and caps.

In addition Stowell limited his participation in the futures market of Treasury bonds. He avoided the contract S & P 500, explaining it all again: "There will need considerable margin, and be dependent on the mercy of trading programs. Night session on the bonds does not imply a really little or no difficulty, although with cash Specific unit, the situation is otherwise. " Often observed at night and a solid reel One unit of currency is not suitable for the trading style of Stowell. "I took the sense that I'll stick to the one in the futures market by applying to it all my energy and talent, we achieved the greatest success. I expanded the tools trading and investment opportunities, taking up promotions and gold reciprocal funds ", – says Stowell. Speaking of the doctrine of "cups and caps, may be noted that it was based on" the concept of this is that markets are up and markets go down.