In this direction, the process of democratization in the North America has left of two basic premises: the equality of conditions in the formation of the American society and the uncosteded preservation of the freedom. These are questions that new Science Politics has of if pledging in the analysis and exploration. In this direction, it is that Tocqueville warns to educate the democracy, to purificar its customs, to adapt the governments in agreement the conditions space-weather and the partner-economic necessities of the beings human beings. In principle, she is valid to detach that for Tocqueville he cannot have states democratic without freedom of the person human being. Freedom in the will direction free, to choose its moral power on the proper destination, its duty and the right to conduct it same itself, without leaving to nobody, much less to the State, puting in charge themselves of this only good that is the individual freedom of the human being. The construction of the democratic Liberal Order in U.S.A.
must it two main factors: first because it was povoamento colony, that is, the American citizens when leaving the land-mother, England, had looked a propitious place do not stop accumulating profit and power, as she occurred in Iberian-America, but to inhabit and to construct a society between equal. Second, because from this iderio he is formed, initially, selfgoverment. Selfgoverment consisted, among others things, in the participation of all in the decisions politics and fiscalization of all stops with all. For this fact they had been created Communitarian advice, whose members were elect for all the citizens. After that, Communes with the same characteristics had formed themselves and, thus, it is possible to understand the reason of the reinforcement of the Democracy in the United States of America. These traditions of the formation of the North American society had been detected by Tocqueville in elapsing of its research.