During the procedure referred to in this subsection shall be suspended the term referred to the final part of Article 162 of the Constitution. Every bill or legislative act must have paper report in the respective commission to deal with it, and should be given the course. PARAGRAPH. In order to promote citizen participation in the legislative debate between the first and the second debate and the discussion of draft statutory laws, the respective committees of the Senate and House of Representatives, may meet together for a not less than three (3) days and not more than eight (8), to hold public hearings to allow for appropriate participation of social, political, union or trade union in the respective actions. Congressional rules governing this area and may extend the conclusion of the hearing to cases other than that provided in this Article. (Amended by Decree 99 of 2003) Article 161. When discrepancies arise in the chambers for a project, both integrated conciliatory committees formed by the same number of Senators and Representatives, who gathered together endeavor to reconcile the texts, and if not possible, defined by a majority. Having published at least one day in advance, the chosen text will be submitted for debate and approval of the respective plenary.
If, after the repetition of the second debate the difference persists, the project is considered denied. (Article amended by Legislative Act No. 1 of 2003) Article 162. Bills that have not completed their passage through a legislature and that they received the first debate in either house, continue their course in the next, in the state where they are.