Cooperative of the Professionals of Health, consisting in day 18/02/2003, in the terms of the Federal Law n 5764/71, conducts for the values and principles of the Cooperativismo, for the legal disposals, the lines of direction of the self management. You may wish to learn more. If so, Jonathan Merkh is the place to go. On the basis of the reciprocal contribution, the one that if compels cooperated its has for main objective to provide the exercise of the professional activity to its associates through contracts firmed with legal people of public laws or private, to be executed for its associates collective or individually. Following the against-hand of the lines of direction of the market of health in 2011 a differentiated form appears from innovative ideas to take care of the patient publishes and private depriving for the low cost and high index of quality. QUALITY CONTROL Daily accomplishment, through known samples (commercial controls) and for the confrontation of results of the carried through examinations. The results are examined and validated with the average and shunting line standard of each analysis, certifing itself of the precision of the results and the equipment used in the analyses. EXTERNAL: Through Program PNCQ (National Program of Quality control PNCQ). To participate of Program of INTERNATIONAL quality ‘ ‘ UNITY’ ‘ Bio-Rad Laboratories.
PROJECT This PROJECT has as objective to focar, after done analysis of (‘ ‘ breafing’ ‘) in the performance in the segment of accomplishment of services of laboratoriais clinical analyses, front the taken position how much if to promote PARTNERSHIPS between the Public power and the Private Initiative. The PARTNERSHIP must BE IMPLANTED, with interest in potencializar the power of effectiveness and resolution of the partner in the segment, aiming at the economicidade of the action and the quality assurance of the offered laboratorial service. Captation of services of I diagnosis laboratorial offering price, quality and flexibility to the operator; To respect the norms demanded for the agencies fiscalizadores and respect to the minimum questions demanded by user; Requirements of the User? Operational organizacional credibility and technique; Daily pay-analytical agility (collections) and after analytical (return of the result); Acuradas responsibilities Clinical/proven Technique, quality and effectiveness; Internal, External operational organization proven; Otimizao in the disponibilizao of the findings, saw computerization local (units) and remote (residences and/or doctor’s offices) Necessities of the Borrower of Services? To degenerate and to release the borrower of services how much the implantation, maintenance and management of the operation involving: of equipment to the Rh; thus liberating the GROUP to optimize the effectiveness in others sectors segments; Reduced Economicidade with Quality and values; To add in the operation improvements of all the segments laboratorial; To make possible with the partnership, the search and incorporation of new technologies and complexities in the segment; To promote implantation/adequacy and maintenance of the local unit, speeding all the process of ‘ ‘ accomplishment of exames’ ‘ , understanding since the daily pay-analytical phase (reception/collects) it ties the end item that is the result of the examination; To promote a bigger flow I number in it of atendimentos thus practised to perfect the operation cost/I benefit with quality and agility; Increase of the territorial abrangncia promoting opening in scale of units of collection and the execution of examinations of low the high a complexity, disponibilizando equipment, furniture, insumos, Rh technician, administrative total trained and syntonized with the matrix; To promote the training and qualification and constant supervision of all Rh, involved in the daily pay-analytical phase (collection of examinations), thus guaranteeing, the integrity of the collected biological material; Disponibilizar in the units taken care of system of managemental computerization and release of findings of remote form, in real time, with results of the examinations of routine in up to 03 days and urgencies in up to 02 hours; Domiciliary attendance at no cost to the operator of the system or patient customer/; To implant units of mobile collection with carried through only characteristics with marked hour; Reinforcement of the mark (I diagnosis) with services and prices differentiated of the excessively rendering ones; Increase of ‘ ‘ roll’ ‘ if carried through examinations diminishing each time more the necessity of sending of examinations for other squares; IMPLANTATION FLOW? Unit operational Technique; Unit of Collection; Unit of attendance I publish to it; Unit of I register in cadastre/invoicing; Unit of suppliment; Unit of logistic; Commercial unit/credenciamento? Financial unit/purchases? Unit of contratao/Rh/treinamento 1- To define which examinations they will be carried through in the central unit and which characteristic the laboratory will have, or is a laboratory ‘ ‘ padro’ ‘ or we are ‘ ‘ standard with apoio’ ‘.