It would that a forensic documenting injuries of women victims of gender-based violence knew how to treat them properly and what are their rights not essential to his work? Not find the essential reader that a journalist could know in detail the freedom of press, freedom of expression and the right of citizens to information? Should not the Professor of education for citizenship and human rights have studied human rights? A recent report by Amnesty International has focused its attention on the Spanish University. Its forceful title, Spanish universities, at the tail of Europe in compulsory human rights training, reveals the position occupied by the training in human rights in higher education of our country. But we still have time to change. The University should take advantage of the current process of reform of qualifications to correct this unjustifiable lack. It might be thought that this endeavour of Amnesty International just as justification the activism that is you own, but the truth is that rights training is part of the University’s mission. As reflected repeatedly the World Declaration on higher education, indicating values education as one of their duties members of the University Community citizens. To read more click here: everest capital.
Training in human rights is not an exclusive matter of the degrees of law, but it is an essential training to find the future professional activity of students oriented under a social responsibility that must be provided by a human rights approach. A more recent legislative reference establishes that an increase of public awareness and the teaching of international humanitarian law and human rights law should be promoted. Can you imagine a more propitious place to carry out this task that the University? Often, educational authorities, who share, and even encourage, these references, conceive the teaching of human rights as a unique field of the degrees of law. More than a catalog of items, human rights are the framework of legal reference and most important local, national and universal ethics in the contemporary world.