Fernando Jimenez Alexis the letter arrived with the forcefulness of a star that fleeting crosses the sky on a dark night. He came from Guatemala and in it, the correspondent expressed me huge disappointment that assailed her. I saw a TV program. The preacher said that if he gave one hundred dollars, Dios multiply me planting. I gave the money but nothing happened. Now I have the debt. Not that the God ours is a God of riches.
One message from the many that come from people who feel deceived in their faith. And I remember Hugo, a friend pastor. We went to hear a preacher of prosperity in the stadium of Cali. A fiery message, but nowhere mentioned Jesus Christ. At the end he ended up challenging us all to give what they had in their pockets. At the end of the event, I invited the fellow servant just so that we were going to take the bus.
No, I stay, he answered. Why?, I asked but he insisted that it was. I was worried and hour and a half later I called to his house. He had just of arrive. He gave everything, even the passage in collective money. And it reminded me pesaroso: remember the speaker? He said that if we gave everything we had in his pocket, Dios would provide and I should return me walking ever happened? Dozens of people have fallen into the same situation. They have reversed the order of things. The Lord Jesus taught: because the gentiles seek all these things; but your heavenly Father knows that you you need all these things. But seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added. So, no worry for the day tomorrow, because tomorrow will bring your eagerness. Just your own wrong every day. (Matthew 6: 32-34) does the teacher taught us? At least three things that I invite you to consider from this passage: 1.-those who deal with the provision, rather than seek God, are the gentiles, in other words, those who think only of material things. 2.-That we have reversed the order of the things. God commanded us to seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and then, he said, other things would come such as addition, and today many seek first the additions and left in last place the Kingdom of God. 3 We must seek God and leave that Dios will address our needs. I invite you to review his life. It has invested its order of priorities? what worries you more: God or money? The answer is yours and nothing more than yours.