Syndicalistic National Party

These authors would have its importance in consequence of the paper who had had in the construction of a reflection historical-politics on the reasons of the failure of the First Republic. The conclusions of the studies of this group pointed with respect to the necessity of the reinforcement of the central public power. In the international scene the Crisis of 29 made to appear a strong feeling opposes to the ideas and Liberal proposals. In some countries, especially in the Europe, appear the notion of that only regimes that they privileged a system based on reinforcement and centralization of the State and that they were led by a charismatic leader would be the only alternative to solve the problems economic and to bar the ascension of the communist propaganda. Countries as Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain had finished adhering to these proposals that had been known as authoritarian Nazi-fascists or. (CAPELATO, 2003).

It is in this environment that appears Ao Brazilian Integralista (AIB) that, established in October of 1932, it was, amongst the organizations that defended nationalistic values according to MAY and CYTRYNOWICZ (2003), the one that reached greater projection and level of organization. The AIB was created from the aglutinao of following the small groups and right extreme parties: Brazilian Social action, National Party Fascist, Pertaining to the state of Cear Legion of the Work, Syndicalistic National Party, in August of 1933, Salty Pliny, Gustavo Barroso and others, embark northward of the country, having made conferences in Fields, Victory, Salvador, Aracaju, Macei, Recife, Paraba, $fortaleza, So Lus, Belm and Manaus, being established nuclei in some cities . (CARONE, P. 207, 1976). Between the works that had analyzed the trajectory of this organization the interdisciplinaridade is the mark strongest, the proper areas of formation of the researchers varies between science> abandonment of the questions politics, on the part of the community of the historians.

World War

(Bloch, 2002, p.60). We understand with such ticket of the workmanship of Bloch that the Historical method then consisteem to look the agreement concerning one constant I dialogue between last and present, where who seutiliza of such method has as objective main of analysis the historical processes in suasformaes and processes of gnese, development and desestruturao, not losing of sight seusprocessos of decays and instabilidades, searching to analyze with this the ruptures, transformations epermanncias, fights and disputes throughout the processes, beyond understanding the functionality deinstituies, traditions, economic, social systems, politicians, cultural and daily. The composed text sera of the following parts: One soon biography of Keynes; ContextoHistrico and the 1929 crisis; The ideas of Keynes: consequncias and contributions for overcoming dacrise; final finally, consideraes. One soon biography of KeynesJonh Maynard Keynes was born in Cambridge, the United States, June of 1883. Filhode a family of intellectuals. Had its intelligence was accepted in the Eton Colegge, being distinguished in the field dasmatemticas.

Later passing to the college of the university of Cambridge, obtaining they diplomaem 1905. It suffered you influence of Marshal, increasing with this its interest for the economy politics, from there being disciple of the one of the Classic School main Econmica.Sua workmanship the General Theory of the Job, of the Interest and of the Currency it was published in 1936, breaching with this workmanship its status of classic economist, being this the focus of our analysis, emque this basic workmanship sera to the process of overcoming of the crisis due the contained ideas namesma. Keynes died in 20 of April of 1946, leaving as legacy the posterity, its workmanship and suafigura as great influenciadoras of the economic policy since World War II until current osdias. Historical context the crisis of I finish 1929.Com it of the World War I (1914-1918), U.S.A. was changedded of maior3devedor to the position of world-wide deserving greater, producing one tero of world-wide the industrial production, almost eem 1929 with half of such production.

The Article

The people do not create in me, she does not matter! , I will demonstrate them that yes I can, that I am triumphant, that I am successful, that my words must be able, that I fulfill I set out it. Dgase to itself, I had to arrive at this to be born, now I will be a new person again, my desire of triumph is so enormous that all it support with action and decisions that clarify the way to me. When you learn to work on the basis of goals can use all the resources to his favor, if it has invests it suitably to money, if it does not have it, then moves with great determination to obtain it, etc. Thus takes advantage from everything. In the book the Secret of the Power of Metas is said to us that a good person with defined goals and positive attitude will take advantage of any circumstance to support her desire, does not allow that nothing or nobody go without its sleep to him. When somebody acts with great persistence is fortified every day of a great faith, that faith causes that the person is totally coherent between their desires, thoughts, emotions, activities and the use of the senses. In the book the book the Secret of the Power of Metas teaches the suitable steps to us to construct and to act on the basis of an irresistible goal, therefore the suitable forms to break internal barriers that they prevent us to obtain what we want and next to bring about the appropriate state of motivation that originates a great action that guarantees results to us, to know them can visit: original Author and source of the article

Great Privateering

When arriving at London, to pay the taxi, I resort to the pounds that I have removed from a teller of Edinburgh: it watches them to the taxi driver with a rejection near the loathing. " This is Scottish money. Do not have you English money? ". I pay attention for the first time to tickets and, indeed, they show a dark bluish tone and the stony efigie of a medieval soldier who does not sound to me. New success of the nationalists! The developed Europe has arrived well that badly to the unique currency, but in the United Kingdom are almost two which they are hated to each other although they are in fact only one. It lives the difference and its fraud to the common sense! The day there that the indignant against the nationalism meets in some place, where it is, that I go away Source of the news: : The Derby of the Great Privateering


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Google Adsense

By: Javier Buckenmeyer Djame decirte that to make money with AdSense is not difficult. Like any office is a period of learning. You can learn doing and winning already from the first day. And when you know the sufficient thing, you can make money. Although the learning never must finish, the more learns, the more is going to win. People question that if it is necessary to make many pages, few pages, to treat the key words more faces, to use Dreamweaver, Flash, and many other things. She can seem a chaos for nascent with all the information and bad information in Internet.

There is no a key to gain much with AdSense. There is no a method or she formulates exact. Despite I recommend some things to you: It learns to make a basic page with code HTML? Learns basic information envelope how to optimize or to move traffic to your page? Apntate and participates in forums related to pages, optimization and to make money in line? It in line looks for the segments of information market that they treat key words that pay and they have little competition well? It positions your announcements so that they are integrated with the content of your page and so that the visitors are forced to see them? It creates a page where the users can participate and to let it grow single the pages that receive more click they are those than they have many contents and texts. AdSense is a complement of the content of your page. If you sell something in the page already it is not a site for AdSense.

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Financial Indebtedness

One reveals in the article, that gigantic Petrobra’s, did not possess the capacity of payment of its divides nor short and nor in long stated period, in the period that understands its patrimonial rocking of as the trimester of the year of 2010.Alexandre Mouro, in an article published in its blog (), in July of 2010, shows the situation of the indebtedness of the company, in a comparison of the period of 2007 and 2009. It says who, ' ' The Financial Indebtedness, another index where increases can disclose situations more preoccupying, also presents considerable high of 81,28% (they are raised of 33,65 for 61,00), that they indicate one high increase of the necessity of captation of resources next to entities financeiras' '. This indicates in them that since the time studied for Alexander Mouro, Petrobra’s, it comes having financial problems, becoming indebted it each ano.2 REFERENCIAL TERICO2.1 PatrimonialPara Rocking that can make a financial analysis of the Petrobra’s company, is necessary that let us have the knowledge of what comes to be patrimonial rocking and consequentemente, the diverse forms of analysis of the same. ' ' The patrimonial rocking is a picture of the company. It is a convenient way to organize and to summarize what the company possesss (its asset), what the company must (its demandable ones), and the difference between the two (patrimony I eliminate of the company), in data momento.' ' (Ross; Westerfield; Jordan, 2010, P. 56) Of all the patrimonial rocking of Petrobra’s, referring to as the trimester of 2010, for end of our study, the use of some of the enclosed data in the rocking was necessary only, which we will cite and explain soon below. The rocking of the company can be found in the site of the company, .2.2 Asset ' ' The assets are classified as circulating or permanent. A permanent asset has a relatively long life.

Agricultural Product Financeira

The body of a Financial Ballot Agricultural Product will have to consist the identification of the price or the index of prices to be used in the rescue of the heading, the responsible institution for its verification or spreading, the square or the market of formation of the price and the name of the index, being still identified by the expression ' ' financeira' ' , being thus identified: ' ' Ballot of Agricultural Product Financeira' '. Being thus it can be said that the Financial Ballot of Agricultural Product fits execution of extrajudicial heading, for certain amount ' ' execution for certain amount has for objective to expropriate good of the debtor to satisfy the right of the creditor consubstanciado in judicial the executive heading or extrajudicial' ' ; while in the Ballot of Real Agricultural Product &#039 fits; ' extrajudicial action for the collection of a bill for thing delivery incerta' ' , becoming itself into execution for certain amount in the case of being it does not deliver, deposited or located the product in specified it, continuing it execution for the act of receiving of the value of the thing, as well as of the damageses. FINAL CONSIDERAES the Ballot of Agricultural Product were planned and instituted with the purpose to improve the agricultural conditions that the sector in result of a historical influence lived that still is very present in the market. Such instrument has as purpose to extend the guarantee to the purchaser, and through this action it would have greater easiness of sales of the farming products, agriculturists were immune to the decurrent slips of harvests badly succeeded, and the supplier of the credit could literally be injured. With this Bond for being sales the term, would have to guarantee the anticipated commercialization to the producer with the necessary resources to the development of its farming activity, thing that does not occur in the practical one, therefore in the truth is carried through an exchange of insumos for the harvest to be planted without any in cash circulation.

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In other words, the fact that immigrants are in host country social and institutional environment that makes their illicit enterprises are possible normally considered unworthy of any analytical effort. a Some definitions of transnational crime imply a notion of ethnic succession. According to this concept, groups of national cultures and is expected to climb the ladder of crime and eventually occupy a prominent position on illegal markets. Official classifications of organized crime, for example, have often been inspired by the skills and ethnic categories. Has long been disputed criminological analysis the "trap of ethnicity", both by the large number of ethnic groups involved in transnational organized crime and the interaction involving companies in professional matters.

Given the increasing social, geographical and cultural links between mobility, ethnicity can be considered less as a causal factor or the facilitation of mobility itself. It should pay more attention to analyzing how geographic, social and cultural factors can facilitate the mobility of professional enterprises. More specifically, the analysis should focus on how the professional activities carried out by foreigners need a receptive environment, along with a range of partners and agents in countries where professional activities are carried out. Many officials are concerned that, because migrant communities or marginalized ethnic groups are the settlers, who are believed to support professional enterprises run by their compatriots. This belief must be challenged, and the easy equation of equality of migrants, more marginalization of the crime must be severely criticized. In this respect, a different issue could be explored, namely that ethnic minority groups, in order to develop professional entrepreneurship, need partners among the indigenous groups of the host society marginalizing itself.