Directive Soft sponsored and participated in the 4th. Find strategic Software free CRUCIBLE 2008, organized by SOLAR (Software Libre Argentina), MiSOL (Free Software missions) and NESLA (Free Software northeast), held last November in the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste in Corrientes (Argentina). Directive Soft was represented with Cristobal Lopez Arrieta, who participated as a speaker on the theme on the results of the PRE-CRISOL in Brazil, alongside Pablo Rizzo, on Friday, November 21. The motto of the adoption of free Software as a State policy, gathered participants from the free software community from different countries, as well as also the State representatives, companies, universities, who shared their experiences. The meeting allowed publicize and disseminate various local and foreign experiences. In the usual participatory proposal of the CRUCIBLE meeting, all attendees contributed their ideas and opinions on round tables from the perspectives of community projects, Business and ICT labour market, and education and Civil society. The results help to strengthen and guide the annual work of the participating organizations of free software, because they allow to add new points of view and stimulate participation active all discussions.