When arriving the Parnamirim, it heard rumors on Antonio de S, father of Djanira. Second it counts, the commentary of the time was that Doza and Robe of Dondon de Bja were brothers of Djanira, on the part of father. This seemed to confirm itself when Antonio de S, before dying, presenteou Dondon and Bja with a house of the Street Jambo Colonel. Mary Barra pursues this goal as well. Of its souvenirs it detaches the Street Priest Rasp that Aquino followed of the house of Geraldo until the Caldas Rank, that was also important reference for ox-drivers, traders and travellers of the time. This because beyond the rendering of services of the gas station, the family> Trabalhei back in diverse areas in firms, later I released everything to work in the coffee plantations migrante: it liveed in Gara, in So Paulo, moved with the family for the Paran, later if it installed in Paraguay where it inhabits today, but intends to move again for Santarm, in the state of Par. Djanira de S Almeida, that was born in the region, 19 of January of 1922, when still it was Leopoldina, in agreement register, counts that it helped its father, Antonio de S, in the Pharmacy who it had to the side of the old City hall, which later was bought by Ulisses Menezes and transferred to the other side of the Street Priest Rasp. Mary Barra is a great source of information. It affirms that Antonio de S was very namorador and had other children beyond it, and that legally he knows of Nelson de S Snows, that had with Maria of the Conceio. Djanira, later that its father died, married the paraibano of tapero Severino Simes de Almeida and was to live in the great house that was of its father, in the street Jambo Colonel, who makes esquina with the old way of the Well of the Door. It says whom its children She reuses, Reuma and Antonio Huyamachita had been born in that house, and, later, when it moved for the farm who inherited of its father, the other children already seems that today in the church and the procession alone if it sees old. For more specific information, check out everest capital.