According to Habermas (1990, P. 292), ' ' The fabric of the communicative actions is fed of resources of the world of the life and is, at the same time, mdium through which if they reproduce the life forms concretas' '. The reason can be thought as resulted of the learning, a time that the school prepares for the ability rational, depending, however of the joint of the adopted pedagogical speech. The rationality, in turn, can be translated as form to know, to understand, to give reasons. In relation when cultural knowing that in the school he is express in theories and knowledge, Habermas (1990, P. 100) if pronounces: Culturally transmitted contents configure always and potentially one to know of people; without the hermeneutic appropriation and the improvement of cultural knowing through people, they are not formed nor if it keeps traditions. The hermeneutic dimension, that is, interpretativa, is reaffirmed for the insertion of the individual in the world of the life, that conditions agreement processes, appearing, for the intersubjetividade, a new formation of the citizen. However, if the pertaining to school education to submit it the money and to the power, occurs the loss of the autonomy of the individual and the education fails, compromising the development of the abilities of the individual and the meaning of formation human being.
In the school, inserted social institution in the context of the globalizada society, the educative action is not exempt of the social interferences, nor could be. The pedagogical relations are lead and systemize as interests of the project practical defining politician of the educative one of the school. Habermans presents two sensible of a reason: the procedural direction and the instrumental direction. This pursues a social purpose using itself strategies that are appropriate to reach it whereas that one is related with the form of action of the process having searched dialogue and interaction to involve its citizens in language relation.