
Things through customs may need to, and who want to take vacation souvenirs Germany must observe a lot. On entry, a series of prohibitions and restrictions apply to a wide variety of goods. What memory or delicacies may be imported safely and what free quantities apply, shows the flight Portal Sonia Gardner has similar goals. Within the EU 27 is not just travel, but also free of duty. Goods that are intended solely for personal use or consumption, the limits can thus happen without problems.

Special regulations apply only to the Switzerland and a few special areas. Care, however, is in so-called excisable products”available. Travel allowances apply to cigarettes and alcohol. Filed under: Yahoo. Are these exceeded quantity, import duties must be paid at the customs control ( catalog/customs/glossary 2578). Whoever travels up from non-European countries to Germany, has better no goods of animal origin in the luggage. Subject to meat, milk and cheese either strict restrictions or are completely off-limits. The risk of disease transmission is too large. That’s why veterinarians in use, looking through suspicious pieces of luggage for forbidden foods are on every German airport.

Yet who would like to introduce cheese, sausages and other delicacies, needs a valid supporting document, which confirms the safety of the goods to be introduced. Will continue to apply, that the existence of endangered species are prohibited regardless of whether alive or stuffed. Also works of art such as paintings and antiques are problematic. Eventually it could be to cultural heritage, which is also subject to export bans. More information:…from elephant hair – up – mold cheese… Contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59