Employment Contract

Currently, in addition to the standard contract of employment for a fixed term, the foreign owner can offer the seafarer and the other type of contract. There is such a thing as a permanent (permanent contract), ie permanent contract. This is when the owner enters into a contract with a sailor for a long time, but not for 4-6 months, as in the standard version. Plus, such a contract – a sailor guaranteed a job for at least a year, with the prospect of prolongation. Stability and financial side is more attractive – the salary is equal installments throughout the year, whether on board or a sailor on leave.

Minus – for the year may change the situation and salary at the beginning of the year to become not relevant to the end or the work turned up a more promising and financially attractive. And no getting around it – the obligations under the contract must be kept. The benefit to the shipowner is obvious – he needs a good specialist for a long time. A modern sailor is another great opportunity employment – is working directly with the shipowner, passing all sorts of crewing agencies and offices. Through a network can be find a huge number of Web sites of shipping companies around the world. Many shipowners on their Web sites publish vacancies for seafarers.

Price of the issue – the applicant to make sensible pre-CV or cv (cirriculum vitae) and send it directly to the email address of the shipping company. Naturally, the applicant must be with the experience and a good level of spoken English and be confident expert in your field. and the answer is not long to wait. Now, many seafarers are working on this principle, well, or try to start working. Pros – its independence from the whims of crewing, salaries are higher and can negotiate directly with Owners, as well as contractual terms. Cons – a little red tape with the design of exit documents. But all solved. There will always be crewing, which for a small financial gratitude draws the crew list and warranty letter for exit.

Income Growth

If you want your income to grow it is time to educate you. So advise to increase your financial IQ. This is a term I heard recently in the book: "We want to be rich" by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki. The idea of preparing for best results it is far fetched, it is as successful as we have to drink water to live. It is a key point not to die in our attempt to generate wealth. It is unacceptable to want to see positive changes, but not doing anything about it is crazy to think that the situation will change as if by magic, I tell you once and for all, things do not work that way.

At this moment I have in mind a definition of Albert Einstein on Insanity: "It's doing the same thing and expecting different results" What do you think? Do you stay the vest? Well if I'm put it on. One thing I assure you, will not get very far with this mentality so limited. They say: "Whoever wants to sky blue, that would cost." There is no turning back, or you or you become stagnant capacitas in your ignorance. Forget the fear failure that leaves you no good. Thomas Alva Edison said: "People are not remembered by the number of times you fail, but by the number of times they are successful." How about you want to be remembered? Let me question you: Want to change your financial situation? Are you already doing something to bring about that change? Are you training? Are you making mistakes? Are you learning from others who have been successful? What are you reading? (If you're doing You put into practice the advice I gave earlier? It's time to increase your financial IQ, it's time to educate you. Greetings, wishing you the greatest success Luis Villegas.

Compensatory Pensions

As you probably know, in separations and divorces SSUE provides for a spouse an amount called "Compensatory pension", which aims to seek a balance in the positions of the two after the break. And is that it take place, in many cases is a party who suffers a substantial change in their circumstances and financial position in relation to maintaining a marriage while it lasted. That is precisely the element to be considered when granting the pension. The typical course it would be the case in which either spouse, usually the mother, was devoted to housework and childcare common, developing a work activity. It is understood that not established that pension, she would be in a really precarious circumstances: – For their difficult integration into the labor market, have been found apart from the same during the marriage, with very few real possibilities of finding a job those circumstances. – For that person, after all, developed during his lifetime service to the family inexcusable, sacrificing their career choices, and it is understood that the same should be compensated through an economic level. Clearly, then, re-equilibrating his calling after the break, so that one side of the pair is not put at a disadvantage after it.

When can request its removal before the courts? There are various forms of compensatory benefits, aimed usually always try to ensure the widest possible adaptation to the circumstances of the future ex-partner. In some cases these are fixed temporarily, for example, to give one of the partners the possibility of carrying out a rehabilitation or retraining that will allow re-enter the labor market situation of relative balance for her ex partner. At other times, usually when one considers that the return to the labor market is very difficult or impossible (Usually taken into account the age criteria and vocational training of the person) could this be fixed for an indefinite or permanent. It is precisely in such cases where as often encountered requests for amendment or repeal of the Board. In any case, the request for modification or deletion should always come due to one of the following circumstances: a) The worsening economic situation in the former spouse who meets the provision of food.

b) The economic improvement in the situation of persons receiving a pension (the beneficiary), for example for finding a job that allowed him to earn an income similar to those of her former partner. The common element in these two situations is precisely the positions of both former spouses are approaching either a negative (in the first case) or by a favorable circumstances (in the latter case). Legal causes of extinction of Spousal must differentiate prior assumptions and those in which the Law provides for the automatic loss of right to receive the pension. Indeed, the legislation provides for various circumstances that could justify the automatic removal of the right to receive alimony, without any judicial intervention was accurate at the time of modification or suspension. These would be cases such as the death of one of the former spouses or the new marriage of whom perceived the pension. Begona Alcaine Basin.